Thai Sintered Mesh Co., Ltd. (TSM)
Tel : +66 (0) 84 374 1696
Fax: +66 (0) 53 090 090

Sintered Wire Mesh

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Sintered wire mesh

It is a porous metal panel which consists of multi-layer meshes / meshes + punching (perforated) plate and is sintered (diffusion-bonded) into one panel. It usually consists of protection mesh, filter mesh and support mesh and its combination is depending on customers needs or requirements.

Sintered wire mesh products are strong (not easily broken)
TIG Welding / Plasma Welding
Heat resistance 480 degrees Celsius / Cold resistance minus 270 degrees Celsius
High pressure-resistance
Clean (Sanitary) all materials made of stainless steel
Cleaning by high pressure jet washer, brushing, steam, sterilization etc.
Manufacturing and providing various sizes of strainers upon customer's request
Why is Sintered Filter needed ?

Sintered Mesh Filter uses several layers of metal mesh sintered together to form a porous metal filter. The fine inner mesh provides an accurate filtration within a protective layer. Different combinations can be used depending on the application of the filter. A plate mesh sintered filter is typically used for surface filtration, with the solid impurities trapped on the surface of the control layer. This allows the sintered metal mesh to have a high filtration precision while allowing easy backwashing.


– High temperature resistance / Cold temperature resistance

– Uniformly aperture as filter media / porous metal

Porous Metal Media

Woven wire mesh / Wires, Metal powder, Metal plate, Perforated plate, Etched plate, Welded mesh, Expand metal,  Metal Fibers, Non-woven fabric, Knit mesh


Austenitic stainless steels (SUS 304 / SUS316 / SUS316L etc.)

Duplex stainless steels, Ferritic Stainless steels (SUS430 etc.)

Nickle / Nickle Alloys (Ni200 / 201, Hastelloy, Inconel etc.)

Compare Sintered wire mesh filters with normal filters
Sintered wire mesh filters Normal filters
Sintered wire mesh (2~5 layers wire mesh + perforated metal) Wire mesh + perforated metal fixed by spot welding
There are less possibility of contamination because sintered wire mesh filters are not easy to broken. They may not be able to catch contamination because the wire mesh are broken by pressure easily.
Longer life. No damage of wire mesh because all wire meshes + perforated metal are bonded by sintering. Welding by TIG / Plasma very strong Shorter life. No sintered, Welding by Spot welding very weak
Easy to clean. Sintered wire mesh filters easy to clean. No damage by high pressure jet cleaning, brushing Broken by cleaning. Normal filters to be broken by high pressure jet cleaning, brushing.
Uniformly aperture size, Uniformly filtration. Wires to be not moved and not loosed. No uniformly aperture size, No uniformly filtration. Wires easy to be moved and loosed
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Contact Us

Saha Group Industrial Park, 99/8 M.5, Pasak, Muang, Lamphun 51000

Tel: +66 (0) 53 090 088
Fax: +66 (0) 53 090 090

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